Monday, June 13, 2011

How To Lose Weight After Pregnancy

Natural Weight Loss after Giving Birth
Most pregnant women are advised by their doctors to eat more than normal and because of this they gained a lot of body fat during pregnancy. Body fat is necessary during pregnancy because it provides women with the energy needed for pregnancy, childbirth and child care. As a result of most women find it difficult to return to pre-pregnancy size of them and others may never return to their original size.

With hope sexy back their status, many women have children has only recently been used to almost any weight loss program available on the market. Some women in the diet pills, herbal tea drinking, shopping facilities expensive exercise, enroll in classes to lose weight, and even starve yourself to death. This is not a healthy practice, especially if you are breast-feeding and a hands on mother. You still need a good amount of calories even after delivery and anything you eat can affect the quality of milk you are feeding. The best and fastest way to lose weight after pregnancy is by doing it naturally.

Breastfeeding is not only best for babies but for mothers as well. You can write as much as 500 calories a day through breastfeeding. I can attest to this because I've lost about 45 pounds by the time my baby was 6 months. People who see me now can hardly even tell that I was a mother.

Play as a little child
Almost everything you do with your BFF, right? So many players with a bit of you. I choreographed a dance that requires a lot of crazy moves fast and my son enjoyed it, this is because children have been interested in sound and motion. She is now a toddler and she has a crazy dance with me. In this way, we not only get a good exercise, but we have a mother-daughter bond only.

One activity I shared with my little angel is shopping. I used to carry her on a sling as we walked around the mall or put her down on the trolley when I feel tired. Now, she came with me when we shop together. I personally love doing exercises walk through his shop because I can hardly realize that I'm tired.

Eat like a baby
This does not mean you have to drink milk or eat foods for infants. But instead, it means you have to eat only healthy foods, stop consuming junk-food, soda, and any other unhealthy food. Also, just like a baby, stop eating when you feel full. Eat frequent small meals per day that are healthy to eat one or two large meals to serve.

Mother is the implementation of the females. Only a woman can bring a child in the womb for nine months. You and your baby is at this stage, anything you put in your mouth for your baby. This means, regular diet at your energy is a no no when you are pregnant because you and your baby needs all the nutrients that you may have received. But do not worry because you can lose fat pregnant after giving birth does.

How To Lose Weight After Pregnancy
Obese women gained more than the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy is likely to retain a portion of that year a weight after they give birth, according to a new U.S. study. It followed 1656 obese women in pregnancy and found that most of them too much weight gain during pregnancy, then, on average, hold more than 40% a year after birth weight.

lose weight after researchers identified pregnancyThis excess weight over 6.8kg (15 pounds), which until recently was the minimum recommended weight gain for obese pregnant women by the U.S. Institute of Medicine. The NHS destinations 7-12 kg (about 1.5 to 2 stones) as a healthy amount of weight to gain during pregnancy for women carrying multiples are expected to achieve more again. If more and you can compromise your health and your baby - extra weight gained during pregnancy will put you at risk of pregnancy and birth complications such as diabetes, preeclampsia, a bigger baby, and provide a caesarean.

Research shows that, on average, women hold 40 percent of the weight they gained during pregnancy one year after birth. Compared with women who gained less than 6.8kg recommendations, women won the 6.8-11kg (15-25 kg) were twice the holding capacity is 4.5kg (10 pounds extra) , women have gained over 35 pounds were almost eight times likely to retain at least 15 kg (10 pounds). Research also shows that young women and first-time mothers are more likely to gain weight too much.

This study reinforce that obese women (those whose body mass index, or BMI, of 30 or more) should take steps to control weight gain during their pregnancy after the baby was born, it is much more difficult to change eating habits and start a program execution.

Try these tips for controlling weight gain in pregnancy:

* Eat regular meals and snacks between small meals healthier - studies show that this model can better diet for pregnant women than the traditional three large meals.
* Avoid eating junk food and keep healthy. Fresh fruit is one of the best snacks because it contains more vitamins and fiber (great helped relieve constipation).
* Reduce your fat intake to less than 30 percent of your daily calories.
* Reduce consumption of sweets and sugary drinks.
* Keep a food diary to check for adequate nutrition and managing.
* Only eat 100-300 calories a day beyond your calorie needs are before you are pregnant.
* Exercise at least 30 minutes on most days (ask your midwife if you are at all unsure about what you should do in relation to the exercise).

Care After Pregnancy - A Must For all the Mothers

Proper care after pregnancy can never be overemphasized. In the postpartum period, beginning immediately after birth and ends with your body get back to the status prior to pregnancy, mothers go through a series of emotional and adjustment, responsibility, etc. In the busy pace of new life, they even forget their proper care.

The first priority of every new mother during pregnancy is more than good care should be pregnant all her own. Therefore, in the first six to eight weeks, you should focus on the completion of rest, eat a balanced diet, and get others to help you out with the babies.


A child usually wakes up every three hours and need to be fed, changed, and comforted. This means that it will be a while until you get your sleep eight hours without interruption. Meanwhile, you'll have to catch sleep whenever you can. It is best to sleep when the baby is sleeping. Your children near you at night so you do not have any problem feeding him / her.


During pregnancy, your body will go through many changes. Therefore, your first priority should be to allow the body to heal. Taking a balanced diet and proper nutrition will help a lot in taking care after pregnancy. Your diet should include food grains, fresh vegetables, fresh fruit, milk and milk products, lean meat, lentils, beans, and of course plenty of water. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, fatty foods, and sugar. Read a good book on nutrition after pregnancy to get an idea of ​​what and how much to eat. You can even talk to your doctor about appropriate diet for all your pregnancy.

Helping Hands

A new baby is a lot of work and one can never be too prepared for the task ahead. So if it can get someone to help you work around the house to you and your partner can focus on the baby. You can depend on friends, family, or paid care provider for the job. With less pressure on you, the chances increase faster recovery.

Care after pregnancy also means making all efforts to look good after pregnancy. So, first you will have lost all or nearly all of your weight gain during pregnancy. This means going into your exercise program. Do light exercises initially. When you restore your body can take up the strenuous exercises. Talk to your doctor or trainer fitness exercise regime is best for your body.

One can never really fully prepared for her, but reading books, checking the sites related to pregnancy, etc. will give an idea as to what to expect. This knowledge will help you in proper care after pregnancy your body and your child's most precious to you.

Care after pregnancy is something that can not be neglected. Your body has gone through many changes during pregnancy and it needs time to heal. You can help the healing process by good care of yourself. Post pregnancy diet is part of post pregnancy care especially if you spent a lot of weight during pregnancy and now you want to look good after pregnancy pregnancy.For access information more.

50 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

1.See your practitioner before pregnancy.
2.Start change your eating habits to include more healthy foods.
3.Exercise! Starting now will help you stay in shape during pregnancy, can reduce the risk of miscarriage, and has been proven to help reduce complications and labor time.
4.Educate yourself!
5.Eat a new plant, you've never tried.
6.Check a book about the pregnancy.
7.Figure out what to do about chemical birth control, like birth control pills.
8.Stop smoking. There are many programs to help you.
9.Take a prenatal vitamin. They may be prescribed by your students or you can buy at the counter. Make sure it contains 0.4 mg of folic acid.
10.Ask your partner to join you on new changes to your healthy habits.
11.Track your cycle. Learn what you can about your cycles will help determine when you ovulate and when you are pregnant. These days due to more accurate.
12.If you need a new student, the interview before you are pregnant.
13.Ask your friends about pregnancy and parents.
14.Avoid chemicals can be harmful to your baby. You can find work, in your home, and just about anywhere, be environmentally sensitive.
15.See your dentist before you get pregnant and brushing daily.
16.Tell any health professional that you may be pregnant if you're trying to get pregnant. This can prevent exposure to test toxic chemicals, if you are pregnant and not know it yet.
17.Stop change cat.
18.Remember, it can take up to a year to get pregnant. If you have been actively trying for a year or more than six months if you're over 35, show your students.
19.Act pregnancy. This includes not drinking alcohol, even while trying to conceive. There is no safe level is known during pregnancy and alcohol can cause birth defects.
20.Announce your pregnancy when you are ready.
21.Talk to your parents, what you want from their experience? How do you want to be different?
22.Rest when you can. Nap!
23.Start a journal or blog of pregnancy.
24.Use no medicine remedy problems such as nausea, heartburn, and constipation.
25.Drink 6-8 eight ounce glasses of water daily.
26.Read a book!
27.Join a prenatal yoga or exercise classes.
28.Keep prenatal appointments with your midwife or your doctor. This will help ensure that if you have any problems, but they are starting and keeping to a minimum.
29.Take a class in early pregnancy.
30.Remember additional 300-500 calories per day while pregnant.
31.Tour your choice of birth facilities before making a choice if you do not have a home birth.
32.Review signs of labor and the early warning signs for when to call your practitioner.
33.Talk to local doulas and start interviewing. Doulas can help you have a shorter life, more secure and more responsive.
34.Keep a food diary to ensure that you are keeping up with your daily requirements.
35.If you are decorating your house or a nursery in mind to avoid the smoke usually associated with painting and wall paper. Maybe have a friend do the heavy work while you help make snacks for them. Keep the window open!
36.Baby baby sat by a friend and learn a bit about caring for a newborn.
37.Take a class of students. Register early to ensure you get the class and date you want.
38.Swimming is great late in pregnancy. It can help reduce a lot of pain and makes you feel the weight.
39.Take a breastfeeding class to help you prepare for the realities of breastfeeding.
40.Stretch bedtime to prevent leg cramps.
41.Continue exercise, even if you have to slow down. This will help you recover faster.
42.Write a birth plan. Something to help you clarify what you want or need for your birth experience. Share this with your students and friends were invited to your birth.
43.Have film and camera ready!
44.Practice relax whenever you can. Try for at least once a day.
45.Do pelvic tilt to help with back pain in late pregnancy. It will help reduce your pain and even encourage the baby to birth assume a good position.
46.Pack your pocket if you have a birth center or hospital. Do not forget your insurance card, prior to registration forms, camera, birth plan, etc.
47.Review signs of labor signs and warnings.
48.Take a picture of her before she goes!
49.Read life story.
50.Kiss baby!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Get a Baby Boy

We all love babies. But there usually comes a time when you have a certain preference. Some of you want either a girl or boy child. Of course there is no gender bias in this, but you are all right to your personal preference as far as your baby is concerned.

If you want a boy child can have the following questions in mind.

There are factors that influence in deciding the sex of my baby?
some tips that may help me in conceiving a baby boy What?

Before we go into the details of trying to find answers to these questions, let us first image in this way the whole thing. Remember that during intercourse, have more competitive sperm to enter the egg. The winning sperm determine the sex of the baby. Current studies have identified the time of release of sperm and male elements in creation and their release.

Near the time of ovulation

First, we must consider that the male sperm have a shorter life than the female sperm, and they often perish with time of ovulation. If you want a boy, you should have sex around the time of your ovulation. You can determine your ovulation date by various methods such as body temperature and the basis of ovulation kits. A famous scientist named Dr. Landrum Shettles was investigated that sex within 24 hours before ovulation and up to 12 hours after ovulation increases the chances of conceiving a boy.

Alkaline environment

One thing you need to consider is the fact that male sperm thrive in an alkaline environment. Since mild acid vaginal pH, sexuality can not thrive there. It is said that the area around the cervix with an alkaline environment. Thus, during intercourse, the positions that men should encourage deeper.

Position also has matters

It is said that the rear section gives rise to boys than girls.


It is said that a woman orgasms lead to the release of alkaline substances in her cervix. Therefore, a woman should orgasm during sex if she wants to conceive a baby boy.


It was found that women who eat more than recommended daily allowances have increased their chances to conceive a baby boy. Food preferences also play a factor. If you want to conceive a boy, you might want to change your diet. You may want to eat more red meat, beans, vegetables and bread.

Man Factor

Elements "man" is also important in determining the sex of the baby. Your man should not wear tight fitting underwear to cool the area around the testicles. If the area exposed to excessive heat, this leads to a lower sperm count. He should wear boxers. There is also a suggestion that drinking caffeinated beverages before sex sperm of male reporters. This is proven by more studies.

While the theories and techniques on just how early you can rate your support with a boy, nature, provides no way to ensure you will give birth to a baby boy .

Tips on How to Get a Baby Boy

Do you wish for a baby boy? Certain cultures especially the Chinese, getting a baby boy is almost a must. This is because the boy or son will carry the father’s surname into the next generation. If it turns out to be a girl, she will eventually grow up and get married whereby her children will take on the spouse’s surname instead.

Under these kind of circumstances, couples aiming for a baby boy may seem to be embarking on an all important mission. Find out the tips on getting a baby boy which covers folklores or old wives tales, advice or techniques from older generation being passed on and plus modern day scientific methods.

Baby boy tips
• The male partner should practice a sedentary life that supposedly produces more male sperm.

• Time your intercourse to the day of ovulation where the male sperm (being more active than the female sperm) will reach the ovum first.

• To promote male sperm, the female partner has to douche with two tablespoons of baking soda to a quart of water.

• Let the female partner reach orgasm first to create an alkaline environment in the vagina which is conducive for the male sperm.

• Plan to have intercourse during the odd days of the month.

• Go for deep sex penetration as this will place the sperm nearer to the cervix. The male sperm being more active is supposed to outrun the female sperm and reach the ovum first.

• Use the ancient Chinese lunar calendar or chart to find out the recommended dates to conceive a baby boy. You can get your personal chart from

• It is recommended that the female partner consumes red meat, salty food, fish, white flour, sweet corn, beans, avocadoes and to avoid nuts, chocolates, milk and dairy products.

• Follow the Shettles method and time your intercourse as close to ovulation day as possible. It also recommends avoiding intercourse four or five days before the ovulation day. More information can be found in

• If you want a higher rate of success (>90%), then try the Selnas method. A personal conception chart will be developed for you to get the gender of your choice. Read more about it in my previous posting titled ‘The Selnas Method’. You can refer to the website for in-depth information.

• A sperm sorting technique is also available called the Ericsson treatment or Ericsson Albumin Method. The male sperm is sorted out and implanted back into the uterus via artificial insemination. Check the website for more information.

• Another method that claims a high effective rate (~97%) is called the Dr. Jonas Method. It is similar to the Selnas method where a calendar is prepared showing the favorable dates for conceiving the gender of your choice. Find out more information in this website

• For those who have faith in modern day medicine and technology may choose to try MicroSort, a sperm sorting technique. The success rate to get a boy is said to be 76%. Check it out here

• The PGD or Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis method claims to have 100% accuracy and guarantees the correct chosen gender. Prior to being implanted in the mother’s womb, the embryos are tested for the correct gender. You can get more answers from

• The PGH or Preimplantation Genetic Haplotyping method is similar to PGD but it is more advance in terms of the genetic testing technique.This will be useful for parents who may have any genetic disorders.

The tips and techniques mentioned above are not meant to be a complete and comprehensive list. The main purpose is to give you an overview on the various options available to help you in your quest. The recommended websites are one of many, so go ahead and do your own search for more answers. Having more knowledge means helping you to make your decisions easier in the end.

Monday, March 28, 2011


Definition of Hydrocephalus:-

Hydrocephalus occurs when excess fluid builds up in your brain, most often because of an obstruction preventing proper fluid drainage. The excess fluid can compress surrounding, fragile brain tissue, causing brain damage. Left untreated, hydrocephalus can be fatal.

Once known as "water on the brain," hydrocephalus is sometimes present at birth, although it may develop later. About 1 out of 500 children is born with the disorder. The outlook if you have hydrocephalus depends on how quickly the condition is diagnosed and whether any underlying disorders are present.

Symptoms of Hydrocephalus:-
The signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus vary by age group and disease progression.

In infants, common signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus include:

  • An unusually large head
  • A rapid increase in the size of the head
  • A bulging "soft spot" on the top of the head
  • Vomiting
  • Sleepiness
  • Irritability
  • Seizures
  • Eyes fixed downward (sunsetting of the eyes)
  • Developmental delay

In older children and adults, common signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus include:

  • Headache followed by vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Eyes fixed downward (sunsetting of the eyes)
  • Problems with balance, coordination or gait
  • Sluggishness or lack of energy
  • Slowing or regression of development
  • Memory loss
  • Confusion
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Irritability
  • Changes in personality
  • Impaired performance in school or work

Hydrocephalus produces different combinations of these signs and symptoms, depending on its cause, which also varies by age. For example, a condition known as normal pressure hydrocephalus, which mainly affects older people, typically starts with difficulty walking. Urinary incontinence often develops, along with a type of dementia marked by slowness of thinking and information processing.

When to see a doctor
Infants and toddlers require emergency medical care for these signs and symptoms:

  • A high-pitched cry
  • Problems with sucking or feeding
  • Unexplained, recurrent vomiting
  • Exhibiting an unwillingness to bend or move the neck or head
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Seizures

The following signs and symptoms don't constitute an emergency, but they do warrant a call to your child's doctor:

  • A rapid increase in the size of the head
  • A bulging "soft spot" on the top of the head
  • A change in the appearance of the face or eyes
  • A decreased level of interest or engagement in social interactions

Older adults need a complete physical and neurological exam if experiencing:

  • Walking difficulties
  • Impaired thinking
  • Urinary incontinence

Causes of Hydrocephalus:-
Hydrocephalus is caused by excess fluid buildup in your brain.

Your brain is the consistency of gelatin, and it floats in a bath of cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid also fills large open structures, called ventricles, which lie deep inside your brain. The fluid-filled ventricles help keep the brain buoyant and cushioned.

Cerebrospinal fluid flows through the ventricles by way of interconnecting channels. The fluid eventually flows into spaces around the brain, where it's absorbed into your bloodstream.

Keeping the production, flow and absorption of cerebrospinal fluid in balance is important to maintaining normal pressure inside your skull. Hydrocephalus results when the flow of cerebrospinal fluid is disrupted — for example, when a channel between ventricles becomes narrowed — or when your body doesn't properly absorb this fluid.

Defective absorption of cerebrospinal fluid causes normal pressure hydrocephalus, seen most often in older people. In normal pressure hydrocephalus, excess fluid enlarges the ventricles but does not increase pressure on the brain. Normal pressure hydrocephalus may be the result of injury or illness, but in many cases the cause is unknown.

Risk Factors of Hydrocephalus:- Premature infants have an increased risk of severe bleeding within the ventricles of the brain (intraventricular hemorrhage), which can lead to hydrocephalus.

Certain problems during pregnancy may increase an infant's risk of developing hydrocephalus, including:

  • An infection within the uterus
  • Problems in fetal development, such as incomplete closure of the spinal column

Congenital or developmental defects not apparent at birth also can increase older children's risk of hydrocephalus.

Other factors that increase your risk of hydrocephalus include:

  • Lesions or tumors of the brain or spinal cord
  • Central nervous system infections
  • Bleeding in the brain
  • Severe head injury

Prevention of Hydrocephalus:-To reduce the risk of hydrocephalus:

  • If you're pregnant, get regular prenatal care. Following your doctor's recommended schedule for checkups during pregnancy can reduce your risk of premature labor, which places your baby at risk of hydrocephalus and other complications.
  • Protect against infectious illness. Follow the recommended vaccination and screening schedules for your age and sex. Preventing and promptly treating the infections and other illnesses associated with hydrocephalus may reduce your risk.

To prevent head injury:

  • Use appropriate safety equipment. For babies and children, use a properly installed, age- and size-appropriate child safety seat on all car trips. Make sure all your baby equipment — crib, stroller, swing, highchair — meets all safety standards and is properly adjusted for your baby's size and development. Older children and adults should wear a helmet while riding a bicycle, skateboard, motorcycle, snowmobile or all-terrain vehicle.
  • Always wear a seat belt in a motor vehicle. Small children should be secured in child safety seats or booster seats. Depending on their size, older children may be adequately restrained with seat belts.

Should you be vaccinated against meningitis?
Ask your doctor if you or your child should receive a vaccine against meningitis, once a common cause of hydrocephalus. A meningitis vaccine is now recommended for people ages 2 and older who are at increased risk of this disease due to:

  • Traveling to countries where meningitis is common
  • Having an immune system disorder called terminal complement deficiency
  • Having a damaged spleen or having had your spleen removed
  • Living in a dormitory as a college freshman
  • Joining the military

Thousend baby birth then 5 baby average with hydrocefalus...

Neural tube defects (NTDs) are serious birth defects (Read about "Birth Defects") with symptoms that range from mild to severe impairment. They are caused by incomplete development of the brain, spinal cord and/or their protective coverings. (Read about "The Brain") This occurs when the fetus' spine fails to close properly during the early stages of pregnancy. (Read about "Stages of Pregnancy") The Spina Bifida Association of America (SBAA) says spina bifida is the most common NTD. Some other types of NTDs include anencephaly and encephaloceles.

While there is no cure for any of these, much research is being done to determine what causes them and how to prevent them. Doctors and scientists are also working to improve surgeries and other treatments for those affected by these disorders. One thing the March of Dimes (MOD), SBAA and other groups agree on is the need for women to take folic acid supplements, even before they are pregnant. SBAA says that some studies have shown that if all women took appropriate folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy, NTDs could be reduced by close to 75 percent. (Read about "Pregnancy and Nutrition") Below you'll find information on some different types of neural tube defects.

***During pregnancy***

A healthy diet is one that includes nutrient-dense fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy and protein, while limiting the intake of saturated and trans fats, cholesterol, added sugars, salt and alcohol. (Read about "Dietary Guidelines") If you are eating a healthy diet before you become pregnant, you may only need to make a few changes to meet the special nutritional needs of pregnancy. You should discuss nutrition and other issues with your healthcare provider during your initial prenatal care visits. (Read about "Prenatal Care")

During pregnancy, your body needs more nutrients in order to provide a baby with what it needs. But, according to the National Women's Health Information Center, most pregnant women need to consume only an extra 300 calories a day. That may not seem like a lot, so during pregnancy, it's more important than ever to avoid "empty" calories.

Among the nutrients that are especially important during pregnancy:

Calcium - Since most women don't get enough calcium (Read about "Calcium") even when they're not pregnant, it's important to pay attention to this need in your diet. For pregnant women, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends, depending on your age and other health issues, between 1000 and 1300 milligrams per day of calcium. You should discuss with your healthcare provider what your needs are. IOM also says the upper intake level for calcium is between 2000 and 3000 milligrams per day. Once again, it depends on your age and other health factors how much calcium you should be getting. Upper intake levels represent the upper safe boundary and should not be misunderstood as amounts people need or should strive to consume, according to IOM. Calcium-rich foods include dairy products, leafy green vegetables, tofu and salmon. The Food and Drug Administration says getting enough calcium can help prevent a new mother from losing her own bone density as the fetus uses the mineral for bone growth. Depending on your diet, your doctor or healthcare provider may recommend a calcium supplement. (Read about "Calcium and Osteoporosis") Vitamin D helps the body absorb the calcium. For pregnant women, IOM recommends, depending on your age and other health issues, 600 international units (IUs) of vitamin D per day to maintain health. Once again, you should discuss with your healthcare provider what your needs are.
Iron - Foods rich in iron include many meats, fish and poultry (especially red meat and liver). Iron is also found in leafy green vegetables, eggs and enriched grains, although this form of iron is not as easily absorbed by the body. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) says iron helps both the mother and baby's blood carry oxygen. (Read about "Anemia") Iron supplements can be used on a doctor's advice. However, be careful to store iron containing products safely out of the reach of children. (Read about "Iron Supplements")
Folic acid - The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says pregnant women or women who are thinking of getting pregnant should consume 400 micrograms (mcg) per day of synthetic folic acid (from fortified foods and/or supplements) in addition to food forms of folate from a varied diet. This could prevent up to 70 percent of a type of serious birth defect (Read about "Birth Defects") called neural tube defects. (Read about "Neural Tube Defects") But for folic acid to work in this way, women need to be getting enough before they get pregnant. That's why women should always get enough folic acid every day, but especially if they're thinking about becoming pregnant. Foods that are high in folic acid include liver, dark green leafy vegetables, lean meat, oranges, grains and legumes (lima beans, black beans, etc.) Folic acid is also found in certain fortified foods. Depending on your diet and personal history, your doctor or healthcare provider may also recommend folic acid supplements. Most pregnant women are placed on prenatal vitamins so check with your healthcare provider to see how much folic acid is in your vitamins. (Read about "Vitamins & Minerals")
Although supplements and fortified foods can be useful in helping a woman get adequate amounts of the nutritional elements she needs, excess consumption of vitamins and minerals can cause health problems. For example, according to the National Institutes of Health, getting 2,000 mg/day or more of calcium can produce adverse health effects. Therefore, use of supplements should always be discussed with a doctor or healthcare provider first.

In addition to foods a pregnant woman should consume, there are also foods she should avoid. Undercooked meat can be contaminated with a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis. (Read about "Toxoplasmosis") If a pregnant woman becomes infected, the infection can be transferred to the fetus, potentially resulting in a miscarriage. In addition, FDA says pregnant women, nursing mothers, and women of childbearing age who may become pregnant should be aware of the hazards of eating certain kinds of fish, specifically shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish, because these fish may contain high levels of methyl mercury which may harm an unborn baby's developing nervous system. (Read about "Nervous System") FDA says pregnant and nursing women should not eat more than six ounces of "white" or "albacore" tuna or tuna steak each week, and should not eat more than 2 servings or 12 ounces total of fish per week.

Finally, for pregnant women as for most everyone else, it's important to remember that a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods is always a good idea, setting the stage for good health now and in the years to come.

Clinical Advice...

***Daily Diet for a Pregnant Woman..***

Good nutrition during pregnancy is essential for the healthy growth of your baby. If you are already a healthy eater, there are probably only a few adjustments you will need to make to your diet. Below is a basic outline of the nutritional requirement for a pregnant woman. If you are still unsure about your diet, you may wish to consult with a nutritionist to make sure you are getting the right nutrition.

Caloric Needs
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, pregnant women only need about 300 calories more per day than they did before becoming pregnant. Most of these calories should come from lean protein and vitamin-rich foods. For example, this extra 300 calories could come from eating an additional half of a peanut butter sandwich with a glass of skim milk.

Whole Grains
Whole grains are an important source of iron, folic acid, B vitamins, and fiber. Pregnant women should consume about six to nine servings of whole grain bread, pasta, rice, or cereal daily. A serving is equal to one slice of bread or half a cup of rice, pasta, or cereal.

Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are important sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Pregnant women should eat about three servings of fruit per day and four servings of vegetables every day. Two nutrients in particular, beta carotene and Vitamin C are very important for the health of you and your growing baby. Some vegetables high in these nutrients include broccoli, spinach, green peppers, collard greens, potatoes, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, and brussel sprouts. Some fruits high in these nutrients include cantaloupe, oranges, peaches, watermelon, and strawberries.

Pregnant women should aim to get about 60 grams of protein every day in the form of lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts. All meat should be thoroughly cooked because the bacteria contained in raw meat can be harmful to you and your baby. Shellfish such as oysters and clams should be avoided, as well as any fish that is raw or high in mercury content.

Dairy products are a great source of calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and B vitamins. Pregnant women should get about four servings of dairy products daily in the form of yogurt, milk, cheese, and tofu. Eating low-fat or fat-free dairy products instead of full fat can help keep your fat intake down.

Most physicians would recommend that a pregnant women take a multivitamin or prenatal vitamin every day during pregnancy. This can help to ensure that you and your baby are getting all of the nutrients needed for good health. This supplement should contain folic acid, iron, and calcium.